+91 9823036745

Empathy Driven Leadership: The Horseman Way

Placing humanity back into Leadership, The Horseman Way.
Empathy is the root of our corporate training program.

The Horseman Way experience

About Us

Our Ethos:
Lead With Authenticity.

Decline in human empathy is a global risk. Lack of meaningful connection, adversely impacts, trust, purpose and growth. It is frustrating when a team is not aligned for optimum performance. At The Horseman Way, with our herd of horses, we coach conscious business leaders to align strategies for peak performance. Every interaction with horses, is a lesson in negotiation and leadership. One learns to lead with power and grace. We focus, on leaders strengthening their influence by fine-tuning their behaviour through pattern interruption. Our unbiased, non-judgmental reflection process, arms participants with passionate consciousness levels vital for quantum leaps.

Animal Intelligence.

Based on biomimicry, which is "a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges.” We use horse psychology and kinesthetics (sensory perception of movements) for unbridled human transformation and dedicated interventions through emotional intelligence.

What We Do

Program categories

C-suite Executive Leadership Coaching
Duration: 5 Hours, Cohort : Upto 4

Due to the highly experiential nature of this workshop, we recommend small cohorts. This is to ensure a high quality, comfortable, intimate, and safe experience for each participant, and ensure everyone will have as much horse time as they need without rushing the activities! NO prior experience with horses is required. We do not ride horses in our workshop. For Safety, participants are always shadowed by Professional Wranglers. Safety and social media declaration forms are a must to be filled.

Senior Executive Leadership Coaching
Duration: 7 hours, Cohort : Upto 10

Due to the highly experiential nature of this workshop, we recommend small cohorts. This is to ensure a high quality, comfortable, intimate, and safe experience for each participant, and ensure everyone will have as much horse time as they need without rushing the activities! NO prior experience with horses is required. We do not ride horses in our workshop. For Safety, participants are always shadowed by Professional Wranglers. Safety and social media declaration forms are a must to be filled. ​

Senior Executive Leadership Coaching
Duration: 5 hours, One - on - One

Due to the highly experiential nature of this workshop, we recommend small cohorts. This is to ensure a high quality, comfortable, intimate, and safe experience for each participant, and ensure everyone will have as much horse time as they need without rushing the activities! NO prior experience with horses is required. We do not ride horses in our workshop. For Safety, participants are always shadowed by Professional Wranglers. Safety and social media declaration forms are a must to be filled.

What’s on Offer

Unbridled transformation and dedicated interventions options.


An opportunity to make profound shifts in the way you see, listen and feel.


Awaken core qualities for healthy collaborative and joyful relationships that include presence, listening, compassion, vulnerability, trust, clarity, power and play.


A deeper awareness and understanding of how you show up and communicate. Unearth integrated source of power: The ability to communicate from a mind-heart-body-soul integrated source of power.

Implementation strategies

Personalised implementation strategies to integrate your new awareness into your daily life and relationships.

Awareness of one’s passionate consciousness levels affirmed by lived  experiences

Benefits of The Horseman Way

  • Business growth
  • Conflict resolution
  • Improve decision making
  • Improve presence & influence
  • Enhance trust and social coherence
  • Learn to say ‘no’ without guilt or shame
  • Maximise strengths and areas of opportunities
  • Improve team dynamics & heartfelt connections
  • Admired
  • More Energy
  • Huge Impact
  • More Positivity
  • Feeling Powerful
  • Feeling Respected
  • Executive Presence
  • Adaptability Quotient
  • Tools for quick change
  • Improve Collaboration
  • Accelerate productivity
  • Leading through uncertainty
  • Getting leaders to reckon with one another’s humanity


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